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Mail:  Växel: 0300-30 780

Dedicated IT partner with broad expertise in the field of professional IT related services.

We are a versatile, multifaceted and reliable service provider. Our services range from conventional IT services such as system maintenance, server and computer configuration – to more complex tasks such as building infrastructure networks, fiber installments and IT policy creation.

We also engage in various IT consulting projects, as well as handling the implementation of complete business solutions. Managing and coordinating the corporate IT systems requires patience, dedication and skill – and we are ready to help you navigate in the information technological Universe!

Straznet cooperate

IT operations

Our cumulated knowledge within IT is huge – both hardwarewise, softwarewise and when it comes to virtualization.

System management

The complexity in systems today increases exponentially, which requires continuous learning and experience. We love to learn and we have loads of experience – hence a perfect match!

Internet & Cloud

We provide internet to our customers, so that they can connect with the outside world. We also host our own cloud servers – where you benefit from security, speed and great user experience.


How long can you uphold your business activities without your systems? Working proactively does not mean that we don’t work reactively if needed. Our monitoring solutions ensure that we can react swiftly to any disturbance in the systems.


Secure connections to your systems is a must-have-feature in mobile environments – especially in hybrid workplaces. We have the experience and skill to help you choose the right solution.


The key word in everything we do is “Security” – in several dimensions. You can’t eat without food, you can’t breathe without oxygen – and you can’t run a successful business today without adequate security measures.

Hardware & Software

Many IT companies specialize in certain technologies. Straznet specializes in excelling in many technologies. We are independent of any solution provider – but we partner with most of them!

Project management

To realize economies of scale and economies of scope, you are dependent on a well-planned IT infrastructure. We have vast experience in managing broad assignments and coordinating IT business activities.

Experienced ISP

For more than 20 years we have been a local ISP in Kungsbacka. We are experts in building secure, strong and fast corporate networks. Companies today need to offer a flexible work space, allowing employees to work from home. Also, there is a great need of connecting geographically dispersed offices in order to access information. This requires a stable connection, high security and user friendly interface – and our solutions ensure that all boxes are ticked for a high-end corporate network.

Straznet bygger fiber nätverk

Security Specialists

Security is our lead word, having a strong presence in all of our every day activities. The number of attacks from malicious actors grows exponentially, and the majority of attacks are aimed at companies with low IT security. 

We are MikroTik experts, and use MikroTik’s high-end products for many of our customers. Through the MikroTik environment, we can ensure that all connections are secured, we enforce zero trust in order to secure business sensitive information. We also put a lot of effort into continuously educating our customers in IT security. The majority of security breaches are consequences of human errors – hence, it’s important to stay up-to-date. 

Many systems - one admin

Our aim is to be a one-stop shop when it comes to IT. Most companies today have a wide variety of systems and networks to handle. Usually, each system has its own support team providing installment, maintenance and troubleshooting. Unless the company has a very qualified IT manager with knowledge of all systems, this often become an overwhelming task. 

With Straznet as your dedicated IT partner, you will focus less on complex IT issues, instead being able to put all your energy into the core business of the company. Broken cables, crashed ERP systems, security related issues – no IT problem is too big or too small for us to troubleshoot, diagnose and fix.

Straznet handskakning

Proactive IT partner

Our philosophy is to provide proactive, redundant and fault-tolerant solutions. Within IT, problems will always emerge – a server may crash, a network cable might break or a power outage might occur. Consequently, it may lead to a downtime in the business, with negative economic and reputational effects. Hence there should always exist a backup plan in case of such events. 

We invest heavily into UPS units, multiple internet connections and backup systems to ensure that our customers experience as little downtime as possible. Many of our customers have critical systems that needs to be available 24/7 – and without proactive solutions, this criteria is impossible to meet. 

Contact us

If you want to get in touch with us, there are many ways to connect.

Feel free to call us, mail us – or even visit us! We have almost the same passion for coffee and fika as we have for cabling and the 1’s and 0’s. 




Straznet AB
Kabelgatan 5C
43437, Kungsbacka

Phone number

+46 (0) 300-30 780
